My “10,000-hour rule” web design version

“Throughout his book(Outliers: The Story of Success), Gladwell repeatedly refers to the “10,000-hour rule,” asserting that the key to achieving true expertise in any skill is simply a matter of practicing, albeit in the correct way, for at least 10,000 hours”National Institute of Health.

Almost everything includes a website of sorts nowadays. Having the luck of being there since the beginning, I remember the days we had to beg the clients to do a website. There were so many, many, many sites, pages, and hours in front of the screen… so many discussions and learnings about usability and storytelling that later became best practices.

With 20+ years in the industry, any of my colleagues will find we are way past the 10,000-hour rule.
Here are the highlights of some of my all-time faves from my work. 😎

J.M. Smucker’s, Cafe Pilon. What good coffee tastes like. A website with the sweet taste of memories.

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Heritage Kitchen By Crisco. This is an example of mouth watering simple yet smart heirloom recipes website. When was the last time you visit a cooking website like this?

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J.M. Smucker’s Millstone Coffee. The Perfect Cup. This not so recognize coffee brand, updated their packaging to stand out more in the grocery aisles. I looked at this as the perfect opportunity to try something new, using parallax before it was a thing. So to promote product recognition, we make sure to design the product pages in a way, the product shot would sit on left of the layout while the user scroll all the info on the right including a location map to where to find it.
I had lots of fun with the process.

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Hungry Jack. Be your Own Jack. Lead by Grey. With the new campaign being about hardy breakfast, I wanted people looking at the website wanting to lick their screens.

J.JILL. When we redesign their web experience, we came up with a “stylist-assiant” to help user pair up the right outfits and help the user find what they need easier and faster.

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Jack Daniels. This one is one of my all-time favorites. Working with iconic brands is always fun and challenging. To help with the mood of the website, I used a simple 2 column layout, and to break the grid, I used some lyrics from Bob Dylan's “ Marchin’ to the City.


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