Design Diaries

Real Stories, Strategies, and Trends from the Frontlines

Welcome to my corner of the web. Dive into my world of Design, Strategy insights, and everything web. I share stories, tips, and industry trends. Join the conversation, and let's grow together. Excited to have you on board!

Fede Abrahams Fede Abrahams

Corporate branding with a digital overhaul

In this blog, I share how applying basic digital branding can significantly impact a boring traditional brand and update it to be more efficient in a demanding digital environment.
Discover how our strategies and creative design upgraded a traditional brand for online success, by updating the use of colors and their layout, we developed the next chapter of their brand and our success story.

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Fede Abrahams Fede Abrahams

A coffee branding like no other

As an Associate Creative Director, I led a transformative project for a century-old coffee brand. This success stems from a strong collaboration and innovative strategies, but mostly as a rare case when the opportunity, resources and the right talent meet to embark on a journey of making a unique coffee brand.

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