Making a coffee brand like no other


Objective: Generate awareness and trial
Idea: Real coffee is, like music, meant to be shared. Everything about Cafe Bustelo is about sharing great experiences
Approach: Reach to a young adult audience as a “multicultural” experience like no other 
Media: Website, social platforms, blogs, and video. Spotify, display media, Live event partners, in-store marketing, and popup cafes in major cities

Cafe Bustelo, a bold and authentic coffee transformed into a lifestyle brand

a brand this lively was the perfect ingredient to build not only a digital experience but an entire new boots on their equity, too. So, from being product focus exclusively, we transform it into a lifestyle brand.

Awareness Increase Results (3rd year)
Events page views: 1230% increase
New Followers: 1163% increase
Newsletter Signups: 1157% Increase

Engagement Increase Results (3rd year)
Page Search: 173%
Post search: 155%
Post Engagement: 185%
Page Engagement: 208%
#Cafebustelo: 238%

Overall marketing/agency budget increase from
280k from first year to 5.5 mill on third year.

The accompanying mobile site, much like its counterpart, is sleek and energetic, and the brand’s Facebook page has gone from passive onlooker to the life of the party.

The accompanying mobile site, much like its counterpart, is sleek and energetic, and the brand’s Facebook page has gone from passive onlooker to the life of the party.


A brand new website with a brand new visual system. Showing all the latin-ametrican swagger. Using a beautiful blend of technology and creative, we delivered an entirely new vibrant and dynamic voice for the brand.

Screen Shot 2021-03-15 at 12.29.16 AM.png
Unique experience

Unique experience

An iconic packaging the super hip Bustelo Can on Anthropology 2015 catalog.

An iconic packaging the super hip Bustelo Can on Anthropology 2015 catalog.


Be the soul of the party.

Increase your social presence by using cultural relevance and connect with your fans all over the country

Images from instagram and twitter.

Images from instagram and twitter.

— May4th, 2014. Star Wars day facebook post gets feature on Adfreak blog from

— May4th, 2014. Star Wars day facebook post gets feature on Adfreak blog from

Coffee is an experience meant to be shared!

From the new website to the revitalized social properties, we’ve managed to not only elevate Café Bustelo as a brand—we’ve created a holistic digital experience that exudes the same level of energy that Café Bustelo drinkers do every day.


take the experience everywhere

Café Bustelo becomes more than any hispanic coffee – It becomes a lifestyle. And as music is a fundamental part of this lifestyle, just like the coffee, Cafe Bustelo will share it's passion with everyone.

This is the Cafe Bustelo Experience.

We released The Café Bustelo Experience, an initiative positioning Café Bustelo as a bold and hip coffee brand.











Offline, we placed the brand in the spotlight of the biggest and most popular festivals around the country and we created a large-scale promotion to take one lucky winner and friends on a VIP trip to these events and interact with their favorite artist.


Events site

We created a landing page dedicated to the Café Bustelo Experience, promoting all of the content created pre- and post-events, such as an interactive calendar, promotions, video interviews with celebrities, festival photos, blogger content, user photos, and much more.

More coffee

Also, the brand created Pop Up cafes on the biggest cities in the U.S.

Fede Abrahams
AD: Juanjo Bonilla & Frank Melendez
D: Laura Gomez, Mau Segura & Jairo Martinez, Kim Post
CW: Chris Pederson and Claudia Bodington
Product Dev: Possible Team