Turn every step into clean water


Objective: Generate awareness about the P&G clean water program
Idea: Let’s transform everyone into a source of clean water
Approach: Allow the audience to be part of the solution by building a new wearable device that can measure your steps into drops
Media: Website, social platforms, corporate email, internal communication platforms and live events

Projected goals
Release event: Global Corporate Summit
Audience: 100000 employees
Goal: 100000 gallons of clean water-steps in 2 weeks
Average Individual goal: 5000 steps per day

Awareness by participation

To promote the P&G clean water program, we developed a experience that starts with a mobile app that tracks your steps during the course of your day and converting them directly into clean water. P&G in return will deliver CSDW water purification sachets to communities in need in amounts equivalent to the amount of clean “water-steps” gathered by your walking.


Track your steps

Download the app, keep a record of your water-steps during the course of the day. The goal is to achieve at least 5000 steps per day.


Share your record

The conversion is easily tracked and shared across the initiative website, live events, digital collection boards at corporate campus.


P&G cleans the water

P&G will deliver CSDW water purification sachets to communities in need in amounts equivalent to the amount of clean water gathered by your walking.


CD & Visual: Fede Abrahams
AD & Product Design: Eddie Sun
Product Dev: Jhon Hendrix
Dev: Possible Team