Using social to build brand equity


Objective: Build brand equity using use HP large followers list on social
Idea: Celebrate people, not the products. Let’s promote leaders in the tech industry, as HP becomes an enabler in their stories. 
Approach: Generate content that reflects HP brand values and product quality and increase engagement by 130%


Inspire by example

So many things have succeeded and others not so much in social, in this case, given that the client is so very product focus, we were on figuring out a way to inspire users instead of load them with just product related specs.

To achieve messaging consistency in every market around the globe, HP is set to create guidelines that will eventually compile the brand global content book. As the starting point, our teams of strategy and creative were tasked to define a system to help the brand connect and engage in the social space.

A system, to connect with consumers and fans of the HP brand, through compelling stories, and guidelines to making sure the product doesn’t get on the way but instead helps to tell the story.

The HP Narrative System, and these are the 3 main steps we follow to create these engaging narratives in social.


Cultural relevancy

Today more than ever in our lifetime, we need messages of endurance and hope. To engage with our audience we need authenticity in our content, so after defining HP editorial calendar, we were off to those individuals that care. People that are making a difference in the tech industry by sharing their success.

Are going to find their authentic stories, and make a series about hero's journeys

Meet our hero for International Women’s Day: Rebeca Garcia.


Hero & product

From Engagement to Product Specs. Now that we have a hero, we need to introduce it’s partner, the HP Specter. Through a series of post, we are going to tell the hero journey and their possible impact. 
Using video, animation, photography and galleries, we are going to introduce the hero with the product as its companion, then  the hero working to show how to use the product serving the story and finally, we will concentrate in the product features 


Hero as hero

Feature story heroes in action - in the midst of their story, doing what drives them to make the world a better place.

Connected with audience by capturing heroes actively making a difference

HP product will thoughtfully play a role in the heroes environment


Hero & product

Feature our hero using HP products to further the mission. Capture hero in action highlighting their true essence - doing what drives them to make the world a better place. Images will show the product in the moment of inspiration, creation and action.

Clearly connecting HP product action to our hero’s story


Product is the enabler

HP products as focal point, we’ll maintain a sense of action and progress to the images

Environment will plays a vital role, with elements in the foreground and background, furthering the story being told. No images of products on clean and obviously staged tabletop or placed carefully on a shelf.

HP products are the means and the inspiration needed for our heroes to better themselves and their world.

The right frequency

Now that we have the assets to tell this story, we just need to make use we use the channels properly to Introduce, Engage and educate. This way we tell not only the complete story, but we can tell it from different angles.



CD: Fede Abrahams
Travis Hanson & Karen Koziatek
Shane Tepper