A new website project.

This on is for the new personal website. After months of consideration and updates I started from scratch again. I guess, if the site should be anything, it should be a reflection of your craft. Then I guess, as you grow smarter and wiser, your site should be too..

The themes is “smart brands”. 1. Engaging brands. 2. It’s about the users not the company/ 3. Memorable experience equal revenue.
Smart. 1, intro, 3 featured projects, and my short bio. Along with the post from this blog. Hopefully I get some great views.

Here are some ideas about the colors I’m going to work on

I want to try a dark background this time, it’s going to comeback by next year, so it’s good to me ahead of the curve.

I want to try a dark background this time, it’s going to comeback by next year, so it’s good to me ahead of the curve.

Love this font, but I’m going to have issues with it on the site. I might take on it and build it form scratch.

Love this font, but I’m going to have issues with it on the site. I might take on it and build it form scratch.

So many options, so many options!

So many options, so many options!


But the best advice I’ve got this weekend:

“Keep it simple, just tell your story”


Logos & Fonts


Using social presence with purpose